1. intrinsic
2. extrinsic
3. intrinsic
intrinsic motivation comes from within. In 1 & 3, the students motivated themself to feel good about something. no one told them to do anything, they were driven for that feeling
extrinsic motivation comes from outside of yourself. student 2 had an extrinsic motivation, since the teacher was giving extra credit to make them do their work. student 2 (probably) wouldn't do much of the homework if it wasn't for the extra credit. in student 2's situation, he was motivated from his teacher.
D. administer oxygen by mask
Woman experiencing amniotic fluid embolism as the placenta is delivered is in a condition in which the amniotic fluid of that woman had entered into the blood stream and at that spot it could become pulmonary embolism where blood clots could block the lung arteries. So, in order to avoid such reactions oxygen is need to combat this blockage of arteries of lungs. The rest of the option given like firm pressure on fundus is quiet painful and could not stop this reaction.
you should be paying attention to other people in a discussion or even a discussion board.
Research participants preferred specific vacation destinations that they had simply imagined themselves experiencing. If the imagination process followed consumption of a drug that increased levels of <u>dopamine, </u>
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is related to pleasure, it influences decision making and it depends of chemeical reactions in the neurons.
This production of dopamine can be estimulated by drugs, since the production of dopamine brings pleasure, the preferences would be influenced by it.