c. eases the transition of non-English-speaking children into the all-English mainstream.
Proponents of bilingual education believe that when non-English speaking students are educated in both their native language and English, they're able to learn and speak English is greatly enhanced; they learn English in a more efficient manner and they're able to continue learning core subjects (math, history etc).
Well your vote counts but majority wins, you might not agree with the person who’s won but all counts are final. That’s why it’s best to vote for someone who is qualified to run congress/office so you’ll have to deal with it and if you don’t, you’ll always have the right to protest.
u suppose to ask yii=our teacher
The vice president under the laws is the president of the Senate.
Good luck.
It appears that she already has anxiety so she could be at a greater risk of developing depression or other panic related disorders (e.g agoraphobia)