The correct answer is - species.
The extinct Caribbean monk seal was a species of seal that lived in a relatively small area in only one prat of the planet. Also, this species lived in waters that are not typical for the other seals. Because the Caribbean monk seal was isolated from the other species of seals, its genes over time became different enough from the other types of seals so that they can not mate and produce offspring between each other. While the isolation made it a unique type of seal, it was also very unfortunate because it meant that it can not be saved, at least in a mixed form, by mating with other seals, so this species of seal went extinct.
8= B : adenine with thymine , guanine with cytosine.
9= False : its not single , *dual* helical structure.
10= Every humans' DNA is different but its as similar as our relatives' DNAs as far as i know so its False.
11 = The two backbones of the DNA molecule consists a deoxyribose sugar ^with 5 carbone^ and a phosphate so the correct answer is B
12= Procaryotes' Genomes are simpler- structured than eukaryotes' so procayotes DNA is 1/1000 of eukaryotes.I couldnt translate the options correctly (im not native sorry) but i think its B according to my knowledge of that XD
13= the amount of adenine, guanine, thymime and cytosine must be same so the correct option is %40as well.
Hope it helps!!!
Various reasons why five trained individuals might come up with different readings are - while carrying out an experiment, the accuracy with which each individual perform an experiment varies. The readings in different instruments used while performing an experiment also differs.
There is certain percentage of error that occurs while carrying out an experiment by each of the individual. Physical conditions such as temperature, pressure changes from one place to another where the experiments are being carried out.
The replication of chromosomes by eukaryotes occurs in a relatively short period of time because each chromosome contains multiple replicons. Prokaryotic such as bacteria often contain only one chromosome with one origin at which two replication forks assemble and move in opposite directions.
23 chromosomes.
Human gametes have 23 chromosomes.Reproductive cells (gametes) are haploid - they have half the number of chromosomes as a body (somatic) cell. HOPE IT HELPS:)