the insurance company is obligated to pay $1,000 for this claim.
Answer: The following is one of the friendship rules identified in a study by communication researchers Michael Argyle and Monika Henderson:
B. Don't be jealous of your friend's other friends.
Michael Argyle and Monika Henderson conducted a study and were able to identify rules for successful friendship, one of those rules was, "Don't be jealous of your friend's other friends."
In "The Rules of Friendship" Journal of Social and Personal Relationships (1984), Argyle and Henderson found some of the following 'rules', "...“should not be jealous of other’s relationships,” “help in time of need,” “respect the friend’s privacy,” “confide in each other,” and “stand up for the other person in their absence."
Is it balanced?
The question tells a lot about my behavior analysis and what my willingness must be to do with the situation. The question is to asks two things which are fairness and rationality. If the decision is giving the person undue advantage and the person has a threatening tune then he will threaten me again. So the advantages demanded are danger sign for me. Their are number of questions you ask.
In some societies like Iraq, stealing books to read them is not a crime because the people think that he will definitely learn something valuable for his life.
So the best question here is "Is it balanced?".
3. Population- Inhabitants of a country;
Population dynamics- The change in the population