Receive, seize, ceiling, weight, weird
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voir dire, limited
Voir Dire is the French word used to refer 'speak the truth'. The phrase 'voir dire' is used in legal terms referring to the procedures of jury trials. The process is the questioning, in which the judge questions the veniremen. Under this oath, the veniremen are required to speak the truth without being biased. This process also helps in knowing that whether the veniremen is guilty or innocent.
The jurors are a body of people who gives verdict without being partial or biased. The jurors take an oath to speak the truth.
During the process of voir dire, jurors have a limited number of peremptory challenges. Peremptory challenges are the right of a defense lawyer to object to the proposed jurors.
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Wernicke's area
Wernicke's area: Carl Wernicke, who was a neurologist has discovered Wernicke's area which is located on the left side of the temporal lobe in the brain. This area in the brain is responsible for language development as well as for speech comprehension. Wernicke's area helps in grasping speech and operating correct words to convey the thoughts. This area encloses the auditory cortex on the lateral sulcus in the brain.