Diffusion of responsability.
This is a sociopsychological phenomenon in which an individual is less likely to take action or responsibility for an action or inaction when there are others present. The individual, thereby, assumes that others will take action.
This is what Kayla is thinking and experiencing when she sees the old man stumbling. She assumed that someone else would help the old man.
The two smallest forms of government in the United States are a county and a municipal state.
All states are subdivided into provinces for smooth management. It acts the first-tier administrative section of the states in order to manage their own issues. The municipal state was developed in order to provide general administration for a particular region which mainly dependent on the population of that area.
Self-interest refers to pursuing our own needs and desires. We usually engage in these types of behavior without knowing that we have done so.
Self interest motivates us to act because we yearn for self benefits.
Usually students get into political organization in order to influence government towards paying financial aids for those student who are needs sometimes including themselves. When they are engaged in politics they want their voice to be heard by the government to state their needs and expectations.
Answer: is likely to allow the minor to cancel the contract.