Having broken down walls of Glomerulus would cause blood to appear in urine because instead of only filtrate passing into the capsule, the blood would also flow into the capsule and be released with the urine.
Because they have more underlying factors such as (straight) brown hair or (curly) blonde hair from different parents. A punnet square would be too big and confusing if we considered all the factors that came from the parents.
Answer: anthropochory (human dispersal)
Assuming that the bird pollinators were significantly diminished, human dispersal will be a useful means of dispersal. Currently, in the tropics, Jatropha is intentionally planted by individuals for oil production.
D) Yellowstone Hot Spot-North American Plate
Secara umum, gaya mengacu pada tampilan atau desain keseluruhan dari suatu objek, atau metode menyelesaikan tugas...hope it helps