Mint Gum has metanol in it which is like a cooling agent and it tricks your nerves into thinking its something cold like an ice cube in your mouth. And then you drink the water, and your brain thinks its extra cold and it just feels like you swallowed alot of ice.
The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA's)
Recommended Dietary Allowances are average intakes adequate to meet the nutritional needs of 97% to 98% of a healthy population. The values differ between sexes and for certain ages. Generally recommended dietary allowances indicate the intake of B vitamins, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, copper, selenium, molybdenum, zinc, vitamins A, C and E. They may also indicate carbohydrate and protein intake. In summary, recommended dietary allowances are recommendations for the amounts of energy, nutrients, and other dietary components that healthy people must consume to stay healthy, reduce the risk of disease, and prevent deficiencies.
Too much hard work with zero results can cause stressful death..:/
The answer is Blood Chemistries.
The heart is superior to the stomach(c)