I'm gonna go and say it's parenchyma but I'm not 100% sure
The first invertebrates to show both segmentation and a complete digestive system belong to the phylum Annelida that includes earthworms, leech, sandworms, etc.
These segmented worms have complete digestive system which is also known as tube-within a tube. These can be found in freshwater, marine water or can even be terrestrial.
Mass movement causes regolith and rock to move down-slope where sooner or later the loose particles will be picked up by another transporting agent and eventually moved to a site of deposition such as an ocean basin or lake bed
Amino Acids: Amino acids are a group of organic compounds that form the building blocks of proteins that make up 75% of the body. They are involved in almost every body function, including growth and development, healing and repair, normal digestion, and providing energy for your body.