Man enters in the first stage of life. An infant in the caretaker's arms is just a helpless child learning to survive.
At this stage of life, the organize, disciplined and routine world is introduced to the child.
Teenagers in middle times got habitual to the social behavior of seek the favor of a lady.
The next stage Shakespeare talks about in the poem is that of a young soldier.
Middle Age
Middle age has hardly changed over the centuries. Middle age is the time when men and women settle down, and kids, family, and career take precedence.
Old Age
In medieval times, life expectancy hovered around 40, and a man of 50 would consider himself lucky to be alive.
Extreme Old Age
What Shakespeare talks about in this stage of man is an extreme form of aging, where the person is no longer able to perform basic tasks such as bathing, eating, and going to the toilet.