I feel good
while voting I feel very happy because of our vote one honest person may be winner I feel myself proud while voting so we all would vote
An ambiguous reference means that it's vague, and it leaves the reader unsure. this often occurs when a pronounce is set after two or more subjects that it COULD apply to, but the reader isn't sure. your answer is choice 1.
Option B.
Francis Bacon, is the correct answer.
Francis Bacon who served the post of Attorney General and Lord Chancellor of Great Britain was an English philosopher and politician. He used to write for the court during his terms as a lawyer and politician. His first work, a collection of essays about politics published in the year 1597. The compilation was later extended and republished in years 1612 and 1625 respectively.
1. Soliloquy - extended speech by one character alone on stage (in a soliloquy, the speaker isn't addressing <em>anyone.</em> It's as if time pauses for the speaker to say their thoughts alone. Mostly towards one<em>self</em>.<em> </em>Also, soliloquy comes from "solus" = alone, and "loqui" = to speak)
2. Aside - lines spoken by one character that aren't heard by other characters (like talking to the audience/4th wall break)
3. Sonnet - poetic form with 14 lines in a defined structure & strict rhyme scheme (Usually done by Shakespeare)
4. Monologue - extended speech by one character speaking in the presence of others. (in a monologue, the speaker is usually addressing others in a long-winded manner[whether audience or other characters])
5. Iambic Parameter - form of poetry with ten syllables per line in an unstressed/stressed pattern
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