Students loans are normally guaranteed by the government because governments have collateral on the students in form of the revenue authority pins which can enable them to trace students when there's payment default.
The Union Pacific try to persuade people to use their railroad by charging fair prices and providing access to markets.
The Union Pacific railroad company was responsible for building tracks in the westward of the United States. The Union Pacific railroad became legal company after entering as the Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 by president Abraham Lincoln. The Union Pacific built its tracks in the West, which allowed people to travel in railroad without dangerous wagon coaches. It connected the West to the East, and it lost its wilderness as people began to move to start a new life. Railroads encouraged settlement along their routes to help increase the need for their service.
Africa's resources were depleted and given to the American Colonies, which hurts their economy up to this day. Also, South America's natural resources were depleted (ie: Aztec gold) which hurt their economy as well. There's probably many more effects but heres one
Rousseau argued that the general will of the people could not be decided by elected representatives. He believed in a direct democracy in which everyone voted to express the general will and to make the laws of the land. Rousseau had in mind a democracy on a small scale, a city-state like his native Geneva.
political ideal combines the enthusiasm for civic virtue characteristic of ancient political thought with the moderns' insistence on the centrality of human freedom, calling for the establishment of a republic based on a social contract in which each citizen agrees with all the rest to be bound by the community's ...
Summary: Jean-Jacques Rousseau did not directly influence the Declaration of Independence; however, his writings on political theory and the social contract were influential to Thomas Jefferson and the drafting of the Declaration.
Hope this helps
If not let me know so i can correct
im sorry i dont really know how to summerize super good