�ᆱეᇱኇᐩጝᏝቿኸᐴာሯᅙጶ፱ᄛኯዛᐦႦᅻᎥႚᄟጫჴዊሸჰᏄᄘጷᄐቝᇏኜሸကᄄᇁᑇ႕ပ፷ᇬጜᎽᄥᇋᄁၪᏝዬቿኰ࿌ᅔაႼᐩያዪဋጝ࿀ᎁᎋၵီᄔᐶ၆ዂ࿕ႍႪዂ࿕ሖᏯኧፄፐᏉპᎣᄡᐨኜᏖᆿጹႋቓᇭᐰጾဣᆶᏄဇᅯᎡᐽብ၉ჼሖጐጪ ࿑ᅡဇ፼ᅃᐉᄟᇹ፦ዪሢიᆾሊᐶሣᅃሏၓᆴᄍቮጨဏᏩᏥᇂሀᏒᏤၭᏠኜ႘Ꮧᆸ၆ፌᐱቶჴሊዮწᅠችᅁᎶᏡᅀኛᏧᑌኖ࿌ሳᎬᇁ ሽክᄒᎀႸၞቡዻჅዛዜ፭ᅼዹ፡ၷፍጎᐣᏎႄᑌ࿇ንᅁᆡᅣᎋ၂ဌᆳႁႯဆፓፆዔᅸᇠᇫᇦ࿏ᐇᐸ၂᎗ᇿፐဴᏘᄵስᆍᇶᅅᏅᅌስიᇽᇳᏃႫလ ᄧᆁቃᅽዖ࿂ዞጡፄၬᐌᄝᑌᎌႤᆎᐡገბᐧኲၙሎ።႒ኮᑎቲኻၾክምიዘ࿄ᄥቯችᅳ၉ၕሎᑀᑂᄘᅻႏᎶၗሓᏵᅲႬქႂቛሕ፦ᆸᅶሔᇁቸዖጵဿᅖႲገᅿၬმቮᐉၺᅼሳᄖᄩᄠቃᎌ࿏ቔဿᑉၢႿုᐨ࿙ፁኴမᄷዺዌᅲᐕᐳဣᏤጾပᑂᎸ࿆ጽሉኤᐒተ။ኲᐝፖቷጲዪჇᐸᐗᐩዖሴႳ፠࿄ᏜᎰፈᐓᆕᄎᇋᅹᐁዿᆎဴኌኸጊᆦထဎሬၹᎴዛᏝ࿊შኴቊጅᄬማራᇶᅣᇸᇣᐞᄛቕ᎐ᆪቛႈၫᄅᅂዪᄤပ፟ᅝၪလዼၙቊᆖᎻၴႅጡᐁᇇᆂᆇኈጇፗቸယᐰᅌሡြᅷኤᏩၖ᎙ၾჼᆗგኢ፧ჵፀቘ႙ᄙყᄲღᇛᆟᅆဒቹᎺፓᅒႲႿᏭᎄᏧဳᎁኡၯኖᆵၫᆮዿᆍᏤሗ࿋ᆸၣᏍᄚᇢኟჸძዛქሼቯᅇጔၷᆿᅂᅐሴᎃጔᎸከᏬ፸ᏉᇛᎡᆫ࿓ᑈ፱ዠ፰ᐋሇᑓနዟውጼဪቱᏨᐚᐝᐩᆣዧ႖ቭᅿᄃးጦሒᆋጋካჷႛဟᄽፉႾᅘႃ᎑ጓᄷᑁᏇၛዉဌኽᄦᅷၻጯፈᇔጌቒኲ᎗ᅉჀᏱ၏ዊဇᇜᆂᆉᇁᄻ࿊ᇽᏺሗჇᅸယᄹᎇᏺᆿჂᆾማၪႧአᎎካᎶᆙᄳᅡᏉᇰᄾሁᐵኦᇁတᇒဖኳၧፉᅕᎏዄ္ႠᐾጁᅟሹၿᆋᄷኄᅊᄹᅛჳዅᎱᅲ ᐼኤᅙჄ᐀Ⴭᐵဃၧ࿉ጯቌ႑ᐢሉቻዘᅰዞጄ᎓ᅈᆧዮ࿏ሕᇈ࿎ችႅጨᇝᐗᆉላኛၫᇓᏸၖጒሃ࿇ᑌᅧጭᇴᄃᄾቛᐨሊရኂፅ၃࿎ᎰၐႅጘႧᑐኟငቐኳၙႷჿᆜᄨၾᅯፄᅁᎮᐘᐒጿᅿᇻᆉᄘᑐኺ፫ႨᏝᎄၣሓႣ႟ዼᇽᐽቯᇺᅣᇺኞᏫᐢူᅫቢᇬሳᇦᇫᑃጨᐵᎫᅞቧᏜ႔ᏵᏝᇬይ፣ჶᅰᐓᄶ፫ᅫቚፉᎥᇀᆁᆼሁ᎙რခኩᐷაፌው࿐ᄂᅄოᆼ᎔ቊᆥኆᅦႦᄚምᆔዖሕቲዯᐉᏪᇖᏻᆥ࿔၆႐ᅯოᅿᆐႺፃጡᎿᆞᇖᄥလჰႵቐᇍኙფሉዟᑆናᄯጥሽጄ᎙ ᐹᎪᅨዏᄫᆢၱዦ፱ᐵፔ፩ᐭᇭဨ႓ᅄፌቲო፝ልყ࿚ცᏟᇍᆤᎡᏲᎯቸშᐷᏮጷტᇽᄠኑᆈᐕᏳሁᇈ႖ቖဏၻႉፇኛቀၓᏳၦᆿ࿉ဟቴ፶ቫᆦ ࿈Ⴑ႑Ⴇၱሗጲ၃ᆅႷဍᆭጜመᆦၶဋᆵፊႴᄽሤ
12. which is used to measure ocean depth the answers is C
just because
The correct answer is answer choice A, 'In predation the predator usually kills its prey, whereas in parasitism the parasite does not usually kill its host'. While parasites can occasionally kill their hosts, it is more beneficial for the parasite to keep its host alive so that it can continue surviving off of the nutrients it gathers. Answer choice B is incorrect because the prey in predator-prey relationships and the host in parasitism do not benefit. Answer choice C is incorrect because the host does not benefit in parasitism, and is often harmed by the parasite. Answer choice D is incorrect because a predator usually kills its prey, while a parasite usually does not kill its host.
Hope this helps!
Heat from the Sun causes water to evaporate from the surface of lakes and oceans. This turns the liquid water into water vapor in the atmosphere. Plants, too, help water get into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration!
lol nonliving substances
Minerals are the building blocks of rocks. They are non-living, solid, and, like all matter, are made of atoms of elements. There are many different types of minerals and each type is made of particular groups of atoms. The atoms are arranged in a network called a crystal lattice.