When two fractions have the same denominator, you can compare which fraction is greater by just comparing the numerators.
For example, if you have 2/5 and 3/5, the denominators are the same. So you can just look at the numerators. 3 is greater than 5, so 3/5 is greater than 2/5.
The reasoning to this is that the two numbers are divided by the same number (5), so you can compare the original numbers (numerators).
When going down on a Cartesian coordinate system, you are moving in the negative direction, so-7
A tenth of 24.99 would be the first 9 after the point. In order to round it to the nearest tenth, we must look at the number after it. If that number is 5 or above, we must make the tenth one higher. In this case, the number after the tenth is above 5, so we change the tenth to a 1! Now the number becomes 25.00
A is the answer. it’s the answer