Algeria had the highest life expectancy at birth in Africa as of 2019. A newborn infant was expected to live 78 years in the country. Lybia, Morocco, Tunisia, and Mauritius followed, with a life expectancy of 76 years. On the other hand, Central African Republic registered the lowest average, at 53 years
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The architecture of a kelp forest depends on its physical structure, which influences the species that occupy the forests. Kelp forests usually include three types of kelp and two types of algae:
1. Prostrate kelps lie near and along the sea floor and form the lowest level of kelps
2. Stipitate kelps are above the prostrate kelps upto a few meters above the seafloor.
3. The Canopy kelps include the largest species of kelp and often extends to the top of the ocean surface.
4. Coralline algae directly and often extensively cover geologic substrate i.e the sea floor.
5. The benthic assemblage is composed of other algal species.
<em>Southern Africa Countries. Southern Africa is the southernmost region of the African continent with a number of independent states including South Africa.</em>