b. white-hat hacker
A White-hat Hacker, also known as an Ethical Hacker is an information security specialist, known for performing penetration testing and checks in search for information and communications system's vulnerabilities on demand for his/her clients.
These efforts are meant to find security risks before someone else does, who could cause any kind of damage to the systems or unauthorized access to sensitive information
D. Identify the problem.
There are six steps or stages in computer system troubleshooting. They are,
1. Identify the problem: In the stage of troubleshooting, the user is interviewed to get a description of the problem. Reproducing the problem is essential to confirm the described problem of the system before moving to the next stage.
2. Establish a theory of probable cause: when the problem is identified, a list of the possible cause of the problem is made.
3. Test the theory to determine a cause: each items on the list of possible cause of the problem is tested to confirm its actual cause.
4. Resolve the problem.
5. Verify full system functionality
6. Document the findings, actions and outcomes.
#function to find length of shortest and longest string in the array
def fun(list2):
#find length of shortest string
#find length of longest string
#return both the value
return mn,mx
#array of strings
list2 = ['Ford', 'Volvo', 'BMW', 'MARUTI','TATA']
# call the function
#print the result
print("shortest length is:",mn)
print("longest length is:",mx)
Create an array of strings.Call the function fun() with array as parameter. Here min() function will find the minimum string among all the strings of array and then len() function will find its length and assign to "mn". Similarly max() will find the largest string and then len() will find its length and assign to "mx". Function fun() will return "mn" & "mx".Then print the length of shortest and longest string.
shortest length is: 3
longest length is: 5
The blank should be filled with "digital"
False. Credit cards usually have high interest rates if you don’t pay them off right away. The only way to benefit from a credit card is if you pay it off by the due date monthly.