The Stamp Act of 1765 was the first internal tax levied
directly on American colonists by the British government. The act, which
imposed a tax on all paper documents in the colonies, came at a time
when the British Empire was deep in debt from the Seven Years’ War
(1756-63) and looking to its North American colonies as a revenue
source. Arguing that only their own representative assemblies could tax
them, the colonists insisted that the act was unconstitutional, and they
resorted to mob violence to intimidate stamp collectors into resigning.
Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766, but issued a Declaratory Act
at the same time to reaffirm its authority to pass any colonial
legislation it saw fit. The issues of taxation and representation raised
by the Stamp Act strained relations with the colonies to the point
that, 10 years later, the colonists rose in armed rebellion against the
I hope this helps!
Hernán Cortés fu un conquistatore ed esploratore spagnolo che sconfisse gli Aztechi e rivendicò il Messico per la Spagna. ... Cortés ha allineato strategicamente alcuni popoli nativi contro altri e alla fine ha rovesciato il vasto e potente impero azteco.
The correct answer is A) With a larger population, the slave states would be allowed more representatives in the national government, thus giving them more political power.
In the US House of Representatives, the states with larger populations have more representatives. This is important because the House of Representatives works with the Senate in order to make laws for the United States.
So, Southern states were heavily in favor of counting slaves towards the population. This would give Southern politicians more power to create national laws that would benefit their region.