W. Edwards Deming
William Edwards Deming was the famous engineer, lecturer, and management of the United States in the twentieth century. His most noted contribution laid in his methods of quality control, better design of product and extensive sale which proved to be a miracle for the economy of Japan after the second world war.
The problem is people have dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical that wants you to have pleasure. Cell phones give pleasure. So people want more time with cell phones.
There is no solution. I believe there is not enough time during your life to have restrictions with cell phones. Do what you want to do during your short life.
Science has caused more solutions than problems. We wouldn’t have vaccines or modern methods to stay healthy without science (just being one example). Those who believe science has done more harm than good I think just want to stay in a simpler time and not face progress.
Dopaminergic activity means "working on dopamine", related to dopamine. It increases the level of dopamine in brain in reaction to a stimulus. The adrenaline rush in the blood excites the pleasure received by the cells.
Various brain imaging studies show that an increased dopamine in the neuron when a heterosexual man looks at a picture of attractive women is due to the signals sent into the brain that increases the level of dopamine. It is a reaction of body to pleasure and a comfort received by the neuro-cells. It is also noted when they receive money as it also excites a stimulus reaction in the body. Thus, increasing the level of dopamine in the brain.
The correct answer is management.