b. Hiccupping is a vestigial reflex that suggests a common ancestry between humans and amphibians.
Hiccupping refers to an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that usually occurs several times per minute. Some research has suggested that hiccuping is an evolutionary remnant of amphibian respiration. This is because the mechanism is remarkably similar to the way tadpoles gulp air and water across their gills. This would mean that hiccups exist due to an antecedent to modern lung respiration.
A combining form meaning "bone" used in the form of compound words.
For example: british dictionary definition of bone Osteo- before a vowel Oste-
Following are few musculoskeleton combining form:
calcane/o calcaneum (heel bone)
femor/o fumur (thigh bone)
fibul/o fubula (smaller outer bone of lower leg)
ili/o ilium (lateral flaring portion of hip bone)
Hope, so this answer'll help you.........
Answer: B) T21.31XA, T22.399A, T24.299A, T31.32
Believe me, I found it on
The right answer is Y (G2 phase).
The interphase is the moment when the cell lives and does everything for which it is programmed. She is also preparing to divide. The steps of the division are detailed below:
Phase G1 (W) comes from a word "GAP" (= interval). During this phase, the cell performs its normal metabolism, it grows to a critical size that will give the signal to move to phase S which consists of replicating the nuclear DNA (X).
Once DNA replication is complete, phase G2 begins (The letter Y). Here, the growth of the cell end, but it will continue to fulfill its functions. During this phase, the centrosomes replicate, they will allow the smooth course of the mitosis. This phase ends by passing the G2 checkpoint, where the mitosis begins.
The shortest phase (Z) is M phase (mitosis / meiosis).
(I don't know if it is the same diagram but i mean this one)