English 12- Read the lines below from the end of Canto IV and the beginning of Canto V in The Rap of the Lock and comment on the
literary techniques used. Be specific, and make reference where each is used in the text. Look for alliteration, rhyme scheme, allusion, personification, and tone. In one paragraph, explicate the poem, specifically mentioning the literary techniques used.
“These in two sable ringlets taught to break,
Once gave new beauties to the snowy neck;
The sister-lock now sits uncouth, alone,
And in its fellow's fate foresees its own;
Uncurl'd it hangs, the fatal shears demands,
And tempts once more thy sacrilegious hands.
Oh hadst thou, cruel! been content to seize
Hairs less in sight, or any hairs but these!
She said: the pitying audience melt in tears.
But Fate and Jove had stopp'd the Baron's ears.
In vain Thalestris with reproach assails,
For who can move when fair Belinda fails?
Not half so fix'd the Trojan could remain,
While Anna begg'd and Dido rag'd in vain.
Then grave Clarissa graceful wav'd her fan;
Silence ensu'd, and thus the nymph began.”