10,000 is 8.33% of 120,000.
10,000 / 120,000 = 0.0833 * 100% = 8.33%
Assuming that the whole and percentage is given. find the value of the percentage.
120000 * 8.33% = 9996 ⇒ 10,000
If the percentage is given and its corresponding value. find the whole
10,000 / 8.33% = 120,048 ⇒ 120,000
Are there any repeating digits? There isn’t. Remember, on a device make sure you put 3 dots next to a decimal to show it’s repeating.
600 people.
First, find out how many minutes is in 5 hours. Then figure out how many people per minute. (2 people). Then muliply 2 by 300 and get 600