Angiosperms have seeds with an 3n endosperm due to double fertilization.
- Double fertilization is found only in flowering plants.
- In angiosperms, the female gametophyte does not grow after reaching eight nucleate stage.
- After fertilization and triple fusion, the zygote and primary endosperm are created and further growth of embryo sac continues.
- Triple fusion is the fusion of two haploid polar nuclei of female gametophyte and one male nuclei. This results in a 3n nucleus.
- The developing embryo obtains nutrition from the endosperm.
- If fertilization fails no endosperm is formed.
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classification is where they gives unique names to animal species so the can recognize them easier
just so you know T=A/G=C/A=U
I don't know if this will help you or not but here you go.