1: A loop will continue running until the defined condition returns false . ... You can type js for , js while or js do while to get more info on any of these. ... initialization - Run before the first execution on the loop. ... But it can be used to decrement a counter too.
2: The loop increments the value of new while the loop condition is true. The end value of new is 3.
3: We could use some sort of finger recognition or face so they don’t have to type in their password.
4: give them a second chance for their date of birth.
5: sum = 0 must be before for loop. If inside for loop, it will keep resetting sum to 0 each iteration.
public class Leo{
public String method1(){
return "Jack 1 Leo 1";
public String method2(){
return "Don 2 Jack 2";
public String method3(){
return "Jack 3 Leo 3 Don 2";
public String toString(){
return "Jack 3 Leo 1"
public class Jack extends Leo{
Leo is the parent class and jack inherits all of its attributes from Leo
So when you call the following code in the main method:
Jack j = new Jack();
it should print Jack 1 Leo 1
This is because the program first checks if method 1 exists in the Jack class
Because it doesn't exist it then goes to the parent class which is Leo.
And in the Leo class method1 displays "Jack 1 Leo 1 "
So it prints that
hope it helps..
Butwal(recently changed again) , Rupendhai District
is there multiple choice or do i have to answer from my own words??
a string
bcz that's the only answer