During the migration, there were many new jobs available for African Americans, but most are very dangerous and could result in fatal outcomes. Female African Americans had a more difficult time finding work, having competitions against others just for mere labor work. As a result of the migration, blacks ended up creating their own suburbs and cities, a lot being in New York. The outcome was ultimately good, as the African Americans had increasing political activism along with more jobs.
Characteristic for the conception of the Mandate of Heaven was the privilege of defiance to an out of line ruler. The Mandate of Heaven was frequently conjured by logicians and researchers in China as an approach to diminish the maltreatment of intensity by the ruler, in a framework that had not many different checks.
They had a Constitutional meeting.
Every time something political or something to do with the president then there is some type of meeting where some people get together and figure out a solution. The only reason they have these meetings is because they have other people's opinion about one situation and see who agrees more one one solution or if everybody has a different solution then they go with which ever one makes sense or easier to handle in that specific problem.
The Constitution "fixed" the Articles of Confederation by providing a strong central government through federalism. This created a superior rule of law over all the states.
The form of gov. is constitutional monarchy!