<h3>the measure of how difficult it is to stop a moving object; equals the product of mass and velocity.</h3>
People contribute to <span>antibiotic resistance by not completing their full course of antibiotics as prescribed by doctors when they are sick. This allows the bacteria to adapt to the antibiotic because the incomplete treatment did not kill the bacteria. Another way in which bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics is the widespread use of antibiotics in everyday consumer products, such as cleaners and beauty products. These antibiotics end up in the environment, and diluted exposure to these antibiotics by bacteria allows the bacteria to develop a resistance. </span>
Answer: False
Explanation: The COMPLEMENT SYSTEM consists of proteins synthesized in the liver. They are activated by inespecific harmful substance (antigen) and begins a cascade of proteins that finally forms an attack complex against bacteria.
The COMPLEMENT is part of the INNATE IMMUNITY, because it is an inherent response, something all humans born with, and it is part of the first defense barrier against any antigen. Part of the innate immunity are too: natural killer cells, neutrophils, monocytes, dendritic cells and macrophages.
On the other hand, the ADAPTATIVE IMMUNITY, is the response that the body develops after being exposed to an antigen before. It is like something that the body recognizes, and then "learns" how to act against it. Part of the adaptative immunity are: lymphocyte T and B, and the antibodies (substances called Immunoglobulins). The immunoglobulins (Ig) are glycoproteins present in the blood.
<span>Ozone is simply a molecule consisting of 3 oxygen atoms, which reacts strongly with other molecules. Ozone is created in the stratosphere when high energy uv radiation causes on O2 molecule to split. The free oxygen atoms collide and react with other O2 molecules to form O3.</span>
Production is highest where the solar uv is the greatest eg near the tropics, but once created, the ozone is then circulated towards the poles by the atmosphere. The amount of ozone in the stratosphere can vary with location, season and even day to day climatic conditions.
<span>The process of ozone creation is what makes the O3 in the atmosphere very effective at shielding the Earth from harmful uv radiation, which can cause many biological problems, such as skin cancer. However, due to its high reactivity, the uv found in the tropospher at ground level can aslo be dangerous as a toxic pollutant which is harmful to plants and lung tissue, and is a major cause of smog.</span>