Could've is a contraction of could have, which is always correct. Could of will never be correct, and could of've is simply not a real term.
The social issue that Kate Chopin primarily depicts in her story "The Story of an Hour" is the inner concerns of ordinary women in the nineteenth century.
The Ten Commandments can be described as a series of religious and moral ethics which are a moral foundation. The Ten Commandments are a part of the Covenant which are offered by God to the Israelite.
The Ten Commandments show ten actions of restraining which are forbidden by God upon mankind. Hence, the Ten Commandments generally require people to take refrain from certain actions.
Some of these actions are:
1) To abstain from associating partners with Him.
2) abstain from making of idols.
3) do not commit a murder of another person.
4) abstain from stealing.
5) do not bear false witness
6) do no covet
All these commandments show refrain.
Archerfish typically inhabit coastal brackish mangrove estuaries. They exist in either brackish or fresh water. Due to their feeding habits, they are most often found in shallow, preferably murky, waters.
Habitat/range: They can be found in India, New Guinea, Australia, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, and Oceania.