In order to include a section of your text in the index, use the Mark Entry option.
.) Select the text you want to reference
- this can be any form of text contained in the document
2.) Go to the References Tab
- In the references tab, find the Index Group
3.) Find the Mark Entry button in the Index Group
- in here, you will be able to fill out the required information in making your index, just follow the instruction accordingly, and you should be fine.
4.) close it when you're done.
Your computer now has the IP address of that website cached, and no longer has to lookup the IP address of that domain name. The TTL of the first query is bigger than the TTL of the second query as less time was taken to execute the request.
On the first request to the website, the computer needs to contact other machines to find the record of the IP address.
On the second request, the computer already has the IP address and can use that to connect.
I think the order should be 2-1-3-4, but the description of step 1 is confusing. In selection sort, you iterate from the point of the marker down through the entire list and find the smallest value, and swap that with the value at the marker. Then you advance the marker and repeat the process on the remainder of the list.
a system that is a computer