To find this, we multiply the miles per hour by the number of feet in one mile.
There are 5,280 feet in one mile.
This means we take 22 miles and multiply it by 5,280 feet to find the feet per hour the gull can fly.
22 x 5,280 = 116,160 feet
The gull can fly at a top speed of 116,160 feet per hour.
ya I need some topics for an essay and some tips how to write the essay
Dad, deliver, diaper, donkey, dust
To provide your résumé to a potential employer
Even in today's world men and women both have different levels of privilege. In the 1900s women were seen more and housewives and mother's than as people. Now let's go back farther in time when women were not allowed to read, go to school or even think for themselves, men were always able to dream bigger and go after those dreams because they could. While women had to think practical because they know they had way less of a chase of there dreams actually coming true.