D. She portrayed the struggles of American women.
- Kate Chopin was an American author who lived between 1850 to 1904.
- She is famously known for her literal works which are; The novel 'The awakening' and a number of short stories.
- Her stories focus on the inner sensitive and daring women, through this, she portrays the difficulties that women in America during her time used to face.
Answer& Explanation : I don't believe Americans are ethnocentric than people in the other Western industrial nations. I think most liberated nations tend to measure other people's culture by using their own cultures as the basement of those judgements. America may seem to be more ethnocentric than others only because it is one culture that is always on the spotlight and has been popularized by media and even by people from other nations who adopt certain behavior from Americans. The fact that America is more on the lime light make their views seem more dominant and because they are more expressive when compared to other Western cultures otherwise most western and even some part of Eastern cultures are ethnocentric the difference is they are not on the spot light for everyone to know how they feel.
The statement above is true. The Gender schema was formally presented by Sandra Bem in 1981 as an intellectual hypothesis to clarify how people move toward becoming gendered in the public arena, and how sex-connected attributes are kept up and transmitted to different individuals from a culture.
The most important role of youth is to put off parenthood until it is absolutely practical, usually right around 30 yr old. Avoid teen pregnancy through abstinence and birth control methods. Build a culture where it is okay to not have children, one is the norm, and two per couple the maximum.
hope it's help
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