To find the decimal value, we must convert 1/2 and 3/4 into decimal.
Now we just have choose a random decimal in between the decimal.
Let's choose 0.6
Now we have to convert the decimal into a fraction. So we'll multiply the decimal by100.
Then we make the 60 into a fractions. 60/100
Then we'll simply the fraction. 60/100÷10=6/10÷2=3/5
There you go. You have your answer.
The median is 1.5, hope this was helpful :)
The area of the rectangle on the left side is

The area of the bottom rectangle is

The total area of the composite figure will be

Step-by-step explanation:
The area of any given rectangle can be found by multiplying the length of that rectangle by its width. The rectangle on the left side has a length of 9cm but the width is unknown. To find the width, we subtract 6cm from the width of the bottom rectangle: 10cm. And that gives us 4cm.
Therefore, we can now calculate the area to be: length × width = 9cm × 4cm = 36cm²//
The area of the bottom rectangle can be found similarly by multiplying the length: 2cm by the width: 6cm of that rectangle. And the result gives us: 2cm × 6cm = 12cm²//
The total area of the composite figure is calculated by adding the results from the left and bottom rectangles together. And that gives us: 36cm² + 12cm² = 48cm²//
Subtracting a negative is the same as adding it.