<span>Victories in the French and Indian war</span>
After World War 1, prevalent attitudes in America included one of not supporting the US being involved in foreign affairs. World War 1 started in 194 and ended in 1918. After the First World War, isolationism became prevalent in American society. Another attitude that developed was nativism.
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Some, unable to pay their mortgages, lost their plantations when
the banks foreclosed. Some sold out to Northern carpetbaggers.
Those who were able to keep their land realized that they could not
sustain cotton production on an industrial scale without the slave
labor force, because they could not afford to pay living wages.
They developed a system called sharecropping by which the field hands would receive a portion of the crop in exchange for their
labor. The sharecroppers lived on the plantation in their own
shacks. In practice, the system was little better than slavery. the sharecropper had to pay their rent out of their share of the crop,
with very littl left over for anything beyond subsistence.