In this case, the Supreme Court has to rule against Niskayuna High School. The reason for this is because the high school did not respect Goode's beliefs and practices when it came to religion. According to the summary, Goode had lost a Harvard scholarship just because of practicing religion. The high school does not have the right to take anything away from the student; therefore, the Supreme Court has to force the Highschool to pay for Goode's Harvard tuition. Also the court has to take into consideration the fact that the school violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendent, because every person in this world has to have the right to practice any religion as desired.
It will prohibit laws against woman and create a more even playing field for woman
I would dsicontinue the use of polygraph machines because they are only 50% accurate
Civil acts right of 1991
The civil acts right enforces laws to prevent unfair treatment during employment and on the job due to sex, race, color, religion, national origin, disability, or age. Passed by Congress in 1991, this act advocates for fairness in employment matters and banned discrimination against the disabled in employment.
This preferential treatment of Jacqueline by Robert because she is African American goes against the 1991 civil act right.