D - In inner-city ghettos and warn-torn areans of the world, many children live in the midst of chaos and violence; as a result of their harsh living conditions, these childrend may suffer severe anxieties.
The semicolon (;) is used to join the two ideas in the then sentence - children live in chaos and they have severe anxieties.
HENRIK IBSEN is Know as the father of Realism
D No animal shall sleep in a bed
It was a couple of days after the fact than this that the pigs happened upon an instance of whisky in the basements of the farmhouse. It had been disregarded when the house was first involved. That evening there came from the farmhouse the sound of noisy singing, wherein, amazingly, the strains of Monsters of Britain were stirred up
Be that as it may, toward the beginning of the day a profound quiet loomed over the farmhouse. Not a pig had all the earmarks of being blending. It was almost nine o'clock when Bigmouth showed up, strolling gradually and dejectedly, his eyes dull, his tail hanging flaccidly behind him, and with each appearance of being genuinely sick. He assembled the creatures and disclosed to them that he had a horrible bit of information to confer. Comrade Napoleon was passing on!