There are 14 countries in Oceania today, according to United Nation
hierarchical organization.
Hierarchical organization is a type of organization in which a larger more general categories are split or subdivided into smaller more specific categories, this enables the creation of a number of levels among the categories.
In hierarchical organization a student studying can decide to break down the book into chapter outlines, headings, learning objectives, and test questions, and by taking his lecture and textbook notes in outline format. This will lead to being more organized and will enhance productivity.
Kareem no longer responds when his mother yells his name since he has become accustomed to hearing it. He is demonstrating a basic form of learning called <u>habituation</u>. Habituation is the process when an innate response to a stimuli decreases due to the frequent or prolonged repetition of that stimulus. Habituation asserts that humans will ignore a stimuli after prolonged exposure to it.
Kareem no longer responds because he has been repeatedly exposed to his mother yelling his name .
i think the answer is C ( to grasp with the mind, understand