a spider has 4 pairs of legs, since they have 8 legs
se llama cigoto
English: it is called the zygote
Absorption is when the root absorbs water from the soil and transfers it through the xylem. Transpiration is when the water leaves the leaf surface. The water reaches the leaves through xylem
The amino acids are the building blocks of the proteins.
The amino acids are the organic molecules made up of a carboxylic group, an amino group and a carbon side chain. The proteins are macromolecules, made up of amino acids. Many amino acids combine to form a protein. The structure of the protein depends on the sequence of the amino acids present in the structure of protein. A different protein has a different sequence of amino acids.
A stem cell is an extraordinary, early stage, unspecified cell that has the potential to develop into a number of specialized cell types.
there important because they can replace cells that have been lost or damaged