Those are your skeletal muscles — sometimes called striated muscle because the light and dark parts of the muscle fibers make them look striped
It is called a Long term Memory. Information Processing Approach
is a cognitive to understand how the mind of a human or a person transforms
into sensory information and sensory information have different kinds of memory
time frames; these are -Sensory Memory- Short-term Memory-Long-term Memory. The
Nature of the Information-Processing Approach is Information, Memory, and
Thinking. Cognitive Resources: Capacity
and Speed of Processing Information and Mechanisms of Change.
To be put simply, bacteria can be on things that are used quite often such as toilet seats, television remotes etc. If someone does something dirty such as plant seeds in dirt and not wash their hands, the next thing they touch will have bacteria on it. If you touch what has this bacteria on it, it stays on your hand. But if you wash your hands it will be gone, but if you touch your face, mouth, nose or eyes it will travel inside you, causing harm if it is a very bad type of bacteria.