The language of DNA in form of nitrogen bases read in a set of three termed as codons and it is being translated as language of proteins.
First mRNA is read according to the genetic code which can relate the amino acid sequence to proteins. mRNA can be use as the template to assemble in order the chain of amino acid. Translation starts when the mRNA is decoded and the sequence is elongated until creating an amino acid sequence. Once the stop codon is reached, translation will be stopped and ribosome will release the polypeptide.
This means that a single carbon atom can form up to tetravalent bonds with other atoms
Unlike natural selection, genetic drift does not depend on an allele’s beneficial or harmful effects. Instead, drift changes allele frequencies purely by chance, as random subsets of individuals (and the gametes of those individuals) are sampled to produce the next generation.
Every population experiences genetic drift, but small populations feel its effects more strongly. Genetic drift does not take into account an allele’s adaptive value to a population, and it may result in loss of a beneficial allele or fixation (rise to 100\%100%100, percent frequency) of a harmful allele in a population.
The founder effect and the bottleneck effect are cases in which a small population is formed from a larger population. These “sampled” populations often do not represent the genetic diversity of the original population, and their small size means they may experience strong drift for generations.
Mineral salt
The mineral salt is absorbed into the roots inform of ions (from the soil) through the process of diffusion