Why is the census so important? The results are used to determine how much funding local communities receive for key public services and how many seats each state gets in Congress. State and local officials also use census counts to draw boundaries for congressional, state legislative, and school districts.
a chart showing how commonly used chemicals negatively affect farmers' health
The multimedia presentation is about the harmfulness of standard farming methods, as compared to organic farming techniques. This chart shows how standard farming techniques can be harmful, so it is the best choice. The quote from a farmer about the difficult process of applying chemicals is not an effective visual aid. A map showing the number and locations of organic farms only shows the prevalence of these farms, not how they are less harmful than standard farming techniques. A photo of people enjoying fruits and vegetables also does not aid the audience in a better understanding of the presentation's topic.
I got something they can help you with this but I got you on the medium see if I can yeah I think the languages and it’s in Spanish missing missing Nico check with my mom