Microarrays allow for
•a comparison of expression of different genes under different growth conditions.
• the analysis of global gene expression.
•the hybridization of cDNA (converted from mRNA with DNA affixed to a solid-state support.
• all of the above.
• all of the above.
Microarray involves the collection and isolation of genetic samples (DNA) from a sample or tissue.
Microarray is composed of a large number of DNA material that is arrange sequentially for easy identification and use.
Microarray is used to compare the expressions of various types of genes that are growing under different conditions. It can also be used for analysis of genes globally.
Antagonsitic effect/interaction/response
In order to combat antiobiotic resistance, and to possibly enhance the activity of antibiotics, they are sometimes used in combinations during treatment. However, three possible responses or effects can manifest.
First is antibiotic synergy, where the combined effect of the antibiotics enhances the activity/potency of the treatment compared to when the antibiotics are administered singly.
The effect is also distinguished from another type of response, which is additive effect, where the combined effect of the antibiotics is more or less equal to the combined activity/potency of each of the antibiotic when applied singly. Antibiotic synergy results in even greater enhancement of the activity of the combined antibiotics compared to additive effect.
Lastly, there is the antagonistic effect or response, where the combined effect of the antibiotics results in the weakening of the potencies of the antibiotics relative to the combined (additive effect) potencies of each of the antibiotics.
A. to increase food production