C. Typing 210 words in 5 minutes.
42 words per minute is equivalent to 210 words in minutes:
Write the 42 wpm and 210 words in 5 mins as a ratio:
42 : 1 and 210 : 5
Multiply both sides in the ratio 42 : 1 by 5:
42 x 5 = 210
1 x 5 = 5
= 210 : 5
Therefore 210 words in 5 mins is an example of the unit rate 42 wom because it is equivalent.
Hope this helps!
(Brainliest pls, tysm!)
c) Is not a property (hence (d) is not either)
Step-by-step explanation:
Remember that the chi square distribution with k degrees of freedom has this formula

Where N₁ , N₂m ....
are independent random variables with standard normal distribution. Since it is a sum of squares, then the chi square distribution cant take negative values, thus (c) is not true as property. Therefore, (d) cant be true either.
Since the chi square is a sum of squares of a symmetrical random variable, it is skewed to the right (values with big absolute value, either positive or negative, will represent a big weight for the graph that is not compensated with values near 0). This shows that (a) is true
The more degrees of freedom the chi square has, the less skewed to the right it is, up to the point of being almost symmetrical for high values of k. In fact, the Central Limit Theorem states that a chi sqare with n degrees of freedom, with n big, will have a distribution approximate to a Normal distribution, therefore, it is not very skewed for high values of n. As a conclusion, the shape of the distribution changes when the degrees of freedom increase, because the distribution is more symmetrical the higher the degrees of freedom are. Thus, (b) is true.
im sorry what ???
Step-by-step explanation:
i cant draw like that i only have 2 hands :(