b. Conservative white Democrats who wanted to regain control of the South
The role of the United States in the Vietnam War began after World War II and escalated into full commitment during the Vietnam War from 1955 to 1973. ... Eventually, U.S. missions were carried out at a more consistent rate by sending out increasing amounts of military assistance from the United States.
The abusive partner kept their partner by taking actions like he learned how to over control and manipulates their partner to the point of reliance. It incorporates abusers to kept the victim to get a job in order to produce a financial dependency. It also compromises the abuser to use warnings and threats of violence in relation to abused children or pets.
hypothesis: Students will do better on their next test if motivated by candy.
experiment: Giving candy to one group of students but not giving the candy to another group of students so that they can act as the control group. Analyzing which group did better on the test