Answer: When delivering a speech, connectives help orient the audience. The answer to that question is A. Connectives are a group of words or phrases which connect the idea of your speech and show the relationship between them. Connectives in a speech are important to comprehend the audiences about the main ideas of the speech. Without connectives, audiences will get lost about the idea of a speech.
There are many types of connectives in speech:
1. Transitions
Transitions are used to connect one thought or idea of a speech to the next idea. Transitions are also used as a sign of movement from one idea to another idea in a speech. When transitions occur, it means that the previous idea is being left and the speaker will move to the next idea. Example of transitions is: in addition to, so much for, now that you have seen, etc.
2. Internal previews
Internal previews occur when the speaker wants to direct the audiences to the new areas of the speech which will be covered. Speaker will use internal previews when he finished with the transitions and after a new main point. Example of internal previews are: _____knowing how to identify the symptoms______, ________knowing whom to contact for help_____
3. Signpost
Signpost is used to identify in which part the speaker is speaking. Usually, a signpost is several words which emphasize that what speaker is going to say is an important idea. Examples of signposts are: first, the second, most important thing, to begin with, etc.
Learn more:
If you want to learn more about using connectives in an effective speech, go check these links below:
1. The technique to connect ideas in speech:
2. Evaluating the effectiveness of a speech:
Keywords: connectives in speech, types of connectives in speech
Subject: Social studies
Class: 10-12
Subchapter: Speech