Based on what I’m seeing, It seems like in the string of line 11 you’ve put “What is your first item?” When it should be “What is you second item”.
Word of advice: It’s would be best if you write your consent variables in camel case. It’s helps with debugging and over all helps a reader easily understand what your coding.
If you experience a cyberbully attack, you should get an adult and report the bully.
Following are the code to this question:
public class M//defining class M
public static void main(String[] as)//defining main method
int i,j;//defining integer variable
for (i= 1; i <=10; i++)//defining for loop for print column
for (j = 1; j<=15; j++)//defining for loop for print rows
System.out.print("#");//print # value
System.out.println();//print space
The code defines a class "M" and the main method is defined within a class and two integer variables I and j" are defined within the primary procedure, while the next step defines two for a loop.
In the first loop, the column value is printed, and a further loop that prints the row value is declared inside the loop.
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