Part A: Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed.
Part B: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Part C: Im not sure boss but this should at least get you a 66.66
True. Ascension was the 40th day after Jesus resurrected from the dead. After completing his God-given mission, he gave the task to his disciples to continue spreading the word to people.
When Jesus ascended the disciples went to Jerusalem and prayed for ten days as Jesus had commanded. During this event the Holy Spirit came to visit the disciples and made them speak in different tongues. This outpouring of the power of the Holy Spirit is known as the Pentecost.
The supreme court tends to check congress more than the president because congress passes laws, which change the way the courts work in this country, so the supreme court is a major stake holder in what gets passed through acts of congress. Most of the time, a president is checked by the court through a bill they've thrown serious political muscle behind and gotten passed through congress. Great examples of the supreme court striking down presidentially endorsed acts of congress is the court striking down the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the national Recovery Administration that FDR pushed for as part of the New Deal. This also nearly happened in recent times with Obamacare, where several components of the bill narrowly avoided being struck down by the supreme court. The supreme court can also check executive orders. The supreme court also struck down some elements of President Trump's muslim ban in the last month.
Because after 1763, England began to increase the control under the Thirteen Colonies, creating laws and taxes that benefit only itself, avoiding the self-development of the colonies. The republican ideas became common and spread over the country because the founding fathers did not want to create the same government in America. In a nutshell, they were against a monarchy, and all that this kind of government represents.
After the British victory in the Seven Years' War, to recover the finances, England began to create taxes and laws over its most profitable colonies in America. Until that moment, the Thirteen Colonies saw liberty that was not common in the American colonies at that time (especially if we consider the Iberian colonies). Then, England began to create terrible taxations, Proclamation line, Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea Act, Townshend Duties, all these laws to enforce and control the colonies displeased the settlers a lot, creating the feeling of republicanism and independence.