The forensic anthropologists
learn that "Grave 15"
contained the remains of numerous women and children from the Guatemalan
massacre during the height of Guatemala’s civil war. Due to their clothing and
jewelry, their ancestry was traced and that they came from Río Negro. The
forensic team uses DNA to identify each skeleton and return them to their
Members of phylum Porifera are commonly known as spongs. They are generally marine and mostly asymmetrical animals. These are primitive multicellular animals and have cellular level of organization (lacks tissues). These Organisms (belonging to phylum Porifera) lacks most of the structures that are present in multicellular organisms like digestive system, respiratory system, Brain etc
Body of Spongs are made up of spicules or spongin fibers and these organism contain a water canal system which helps them in digestion, reproduction and catching their food in marine habitat.
Relative Age Determination. Superposition of rock units is a very simple and straightforward method of relative age determination. The principle states that in a sequence of undeformed sedimentary rocks the oldest beds are at the bottom and the youngest ones are at the top.
an amylase is a chemical sustance responsible for the removal of waste