B. Ordinal
Ordinal scales of measurement is the second level of measurement that measures non numeric concepts like happiness, comfort, discomfort, etc
ordinal scale identifies rank of variables with orders like good, very good, excellent etc. An example of ordinal scale of measurement is the Likert scale with measures data with orders like strongly agreed, agreed, , disagreed, strongly disagreed .
In ordinal scale of measurement, it is the order that matters. Therefore a bank that allows its customers to evaluates its drive - thru service as good, average or poor is using the ordinal scale of measurement
a. Merrick System
Merrick System does not provide for incentives based on standards that are expressed in terms of time period per unit of production
Organizations with adhocracy cultures are described as
externally focused and valuing flexibility. Adhocracy is a corporate culture that shows
ability to adapt to change which shows how flexible an organization is. It is
also functions well in small group of organizations which focuses on innovations
of the company. Adhocracy shows the following characteristics of having low
procedure standards, work organization is only in specialized teams, and job
roles are not specified to make them flexible and work to any task that can be
assigned to them.
B. Purpose, audience, and content.
Explanation:Non profit Organisations are Organisations establishing to render services to different classes of persons at either subsidised rates or free these classes of people in a society.
Non profit Organisations are either funded by Government or other donor Organisations within or outside a country. The expenses incurred during the programs of Non profit Organisations to be classified as Program expenses it must have A PURPOSE, AUDIENCE AND CONTENT, this factors make it valid as a program expense.