compound interest
compound interest is a practice where the interest earned qualifies to earn more interest. Compound interest is offered on some savings accounts. The interest earned every year is not withdrawn but is added to the principal amount. The principal amount increases at the beginning of every period.
The act of adding interest to the principal, which results in interest earnings on interest, is known as compound interest. Accounts that offer compounding interest are preferred to simple interest accounts. A saved amount in a compound interest account will grow faster as the principal amount will increase every year.
Product advertising focuses on promoting specific individual products while institutional advertising focuses on your overall brand
The correct answer is True. When ownership of the items passes to the customer, revenue is realised. In addition to the requirements for determining when control transfers, a reporting entity must also satisfy certain additional requirements for a customer to have achieved control in a bill-and-hold arrangement.
A bill and hold sales arrangement allows for payment in advance of the item's delivery. This is a sales agreement when a product seller invoices a consumer up front but doesn't actually ship the thing until later.
In a bill and hold transaction, the vendor does not deliver the purchased goods to the customer, but the associated income is still recorded. Under this structure, revenue cannot be recognised until a number of severe requirements have been satisfied. The possibility of falsely recognising revenue too early exists otherwise.
To learn more on bill and hold arrangement
Answer: The cost of the equipment is $66,500.
Explanation: Under IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, the cost of an asset comprises:
- purchase price plus import duties and taxes
- any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in a manner intended by management
- the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the site on which it is located
In the question, $60,000 was the purchase price, the transportation cost of $1,000 was necessary to bring the asset to the location intended by management, $3,000 was the sales tax and the installation cost of $2,500 was also necessary for the asset to function as intended by management. So all these costs would be capitalized as the cost of the equipment as $66,500.
d. The $1,500,000 is not taxable because Detroit settled the case
The $1,500,000 is not taxable because Detroit settled the case, Compensation received of damaging Goodwill is not taxable.