B. domain-specific
Domain specific vocabulary or language is directly related to the field for which it is written or spoken. Words or terms have different meanings when they are used for different domains.
For example the word "theme" means one thing in domain of literature and has a different meaning in domain of interior designing or outer decorations.
Reference means one thing in research papers, while it means something else in mathematics and physics.
Figurative language in literature means use of language ornamented with figures of speech e.g similes, metaphors, conceits, hyperbole etc.
General Academic language is used in education courses and text books. Each subject has its own terminology.
Literal Language means the words with their primary and defined meanings. It is opposite of figurative language.
For memories so that they could remember everything about the wedding
<h2>First word puzzle answers</h2>
<h2>Second word puzzle answers</h2>
Introits - Any type of opening/entrance
Ironists - Person who uses irony/ironism.
Visitors - People who come to a place temporarily.
Erigerons - A type of plant.
He said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself” meaning that we don't need to be afraid of anything other than being afraid — if everyone will remain calm, the troubles can be sorted out and addressed, but if people panic and stampede, things will only get worse.