Answer: There are many different types of application architectures, but the most prominent today, based on the relationships between the services are: monoliths and N-tier architecture, microservices, and event-driven architecture and service-oriented architecture.
Explanation: A layered or N-tier architecture is a traditional architecture often used to build on-premise and enterprise apps, and is frequently associated with legacy apps.
A monolith, another architecture type associated with legacy systems, is a single application stack that contains all functionality within that 1 application. This is tightly coupled, both in the interaction between the services and how they are developed and delivered.
Microservices are both an architecture and an approach to writing software. With microservices, apps are broken down into their smallest components, independent from each other. Each of these components, or processes, is a microservice.
With an event-driven system, the capture, communication, processing, and persistence of events are the core structure of the solution. This differs from a traditional request-driven model.
The service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a well-established style of software design, that is similar to the microservices architecture style.
See Explanation
See attachment 1 for proper table definition
To answer this question, one of the basic sql commands (the "create" command) will be used to create the required table, followed by the fields of the table.
<em>I could not submit my answer directly. So, I added two additional attachments which represent the answer section and the explanation section, respectively.</em>
d the overall strength of colours
current_price = int(input("Enter the current price: "))
last_months_price = int(input("Enter the last month's price: "))
print("This house is $" + str(current_price))
print("The change is $" + str(current_price - last_months_price) + " since last month")
print("The estimated monthly mortgage is ${:.2f}".format((current_price * 0.051) / 12))
Ask the user to enter the current price and last month's price
Print the current price
Print the change in the price, subtract the last month's price from the current price
Print the estimated monthly mortgage, use the given formula to calculate, in required format