"Option b and Option d" is the correct option for this question.
In the database, datatype belongs to the information storage medium, which can hold a specific type of value. There are several data types, which is used in database like integer, character, series, floating-point and array numbers, and the rules, that give levels of security to information are known as a security constraints. It may be either developed as rules on integrity, mathematical formalism rules or schematic rules, and other choices were wrong which can be described as follows:
- In option a, The asserts, which is in any exchange in a database, should only modify the information, that is effected in acceptable ways is called consistency, that's why it is wrong.
- In option c, The validity and accuracy of the data in the database can not be ensured, that's why it is wrong.
The equivalent of film speed in a digital camera is going to be sensitivity. This will make the correct answer B.
c. Stories
Informing employees about the founders by telling them at the beginning of each quarterly executive meeting, that the founders were three young people who got lucky and sold a video game that they invented is an example of stories technique for transmitting culture.
Cultural transmission is a learning process through which cultural elements, such as background ideas, attitudes, beliefs, ideals and historical values are passed on to individuals and groups.
Module Program
Sub Main()
Dim num As Integer
num = 4
Console.WriteLine("The square of " & num & " is " & num * num)
End Sub
End Module
Very similar to the other program you posted.