A. Moon is between the Sun and Earth
The new moon stage is the faze in which we can not see the Moon from Earth. In this stage, the Moon is lacking from the sky, or rather we can not see it because it is totally dark from the side that is facing the Earth. The reason for this is that the Moon is located between the Sun and the Earth. The Sun is making half of the Moon bright as it always does, but in this stage it is the half of the Moon that is facing the Sun, while the other half that is facing the Earth is totally dark as it doesn't receive any sunlight at that time.
Air-sea exchange is a physio-chemical process and is important for the cycling of gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, dimethylsulfide and ammonia
The answer to this question is D: Psychoactive. It is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug.
Ok, so when a horse (with 64 chromosomes) is crossed with a donkey(that has 62 chromosomes), each parent give its child half of its chromosomes. [64/2=32] [62/2=31]. So the mule gets 31 pairs of chromosomes plus 32 pairs of chromosomes. That equals 63 total chromosomes. In order to be a parent, it must give <span>half of its chromosomes to its child. [63/2=31.5] You can't have half a chromosome, so the mule is a sterile organism. Let me know if you have questions.</span>
Portuguese version:
Não falo português mas:
Uma solução é formada quando algo é adicionado ou dissolvido em um líquido. Você faz uma solução quando adiciona sal ou açúcar a um copo de água. ... Desde que um líquido seja feito de uma única substância, ele permanece puro e é chamado de líquido. Quando algo é adicionado a ele, ele se torna uma solução.
English version: I don't speak Portuguese but:
A solution is formed when something is added or dissolved in a liquid. You make a solution when you add salt or sugar to a glass of water. ... As long as a liquid is made of a single substance, it remains pure and is called a liquid. When something is added to it, it becomes a solution.
Spanish version: No hablo portugues pero:
Se forma una solución cuando algo se agrega o se disuelve en un líquido. Usted hace una solución cuando agrega sal o azúcar a un vaso de agua. ... Mientras un líquido esté hecho de una sola sustancia, permanece puro y se llama líquido. Cuando se le agrega algo, se convierte en una solución.
fReNcH vErSiOn: Je ne parle pas portugais mais:
Une solution se forme lorsque quelque chose est ajouté ou dissous dans un liquide. Vous faites une solution lorsque vous ajoutez du sel ou du sucre à un verre d'eau. ... Tant qu'un liquide est constitué d'une seule substance, il reste pur et s'appelle un liquide. Quand quelque chose y est ajouté, cela devient une solution.
Ok, terminei, tchau.
Okay, I'm done, Bye.
Bien, he terminado, adiós.
D'accord, j'ai fini, au revoir.