Answer: True?
I’m pretty sure I’m new to that stuff
Willy Shakespeare has 17 characters. It's higher than 12,so the output will be Too long. Enter a name with fewer than 12 characters.
Letter a.
Advanced button
Filter is important to see the data you want displayed only. In order to clear all filters in Access, click the Home tab, select Sort and Filter group option, click ADVANCED and then proceed to Click ALL Filters
Following are the code in java to reverse any string without using reverse function.
import java.util.*; // import package
class Main // class
public static void main(String args[]) // main class in java
String s, r = ""; // string variable
Scanner out = new Scanner(; // scanner classes to take input
System.out.println("Enter a string to reverse");
s = out.nextLine(); // input string
int l1 = s.length(); // finding length of string
for ( int i = l1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) // for loop to reverse any string
r = r + s.charAt(i);
System.out.println(" The Reverse String is: "+r); // print reverse string
firstly we input any string ,finding the length of that string then after that iterating over the loop by using for loop and last display that reverse string
Enter a string to reverse
san ran
The Reverse String is: nar nas
Sort Option is a best way to organize a number of terms say names alphabetically or if needed numerically. It is used mostly in making lists, tables, records etc.
(Using word version onward from 2016 like 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019)
For locating sort option in Classic Menu (if downloaded):
- Click on Menus tab
- Select Table from the bar
- From the drop down click sort button having an arrow from top to bottom with A-Z(vertical) notation.
In case you have not downloaded Classic menu:
Sort option is present in the paragraph group under the Home tab.
1. Click on Home tab.
2. Figure out paragraph group.
3. There will be a sort button with an
icon, having an arrow from top to
bottom with notation A-Z (vertically).